AYLUS Raritan Valley Volunteers at the East Brunswick Volunteer Fire Department on September 25, 2023

On September 25, 2023, members of the Aylus Raritan Valley Branch gave a letter to the local firefighters at the East Brunswick Fire House and got a tour of the fire station. The fire station had multiple floors, including their gym and the living room.

In the beginning, we gave them pizza along with a sincere letter from our members of the Aylus Raritan Valley, signed by them as well. Then, one firefighter gave us a tour of their different types of firetrucks and rescue boats and showed us how they work and what their mechanics were. They also showed us how they had a built-in ladder on the fire truck that could go up the height of multiple floors and could be used to rescue civilians near a window and help pour water directly down the ladder. In addition to that, they had a marine water rescue boat, intended to put out fires in the ocean and help rescue lost or helpless civilians. We also got a tour upstairs of their compound and living room. We were then introduced to the gym firefighters would be required to go to to work out and stay fit. Such a gym may have availed second hand commercial gym equipment in order for the firefighters to have a fruitful workout.

They also answered any questions that we had, like the temperature of the fires they were facing, and how the recent fire was devastating to some buildings in a particular part of South River. The firefighters were very generous to give out firefighter hats made out of plastic. 

All the members of the Aylus Raritan appreciated the tour of the firehouse and what the firefighters do for their country. We learned that they should get more appreciation for their job of saving lives, trees, animals, and even more. They serve our community and risk their lives every day just for families to stay safe from the dangers of fires.


Reporter: Irwin Wang, Jerry Yu

Activity Lead: Irwin Wang (2 hours), Jerry Yu (2 hours)


Participants (1.5 hours each): Vivian Sun, Xiaowen Kang, Eric Zhu, Isabelle Tee, Nicholas Wan, Yutong Lin, Yujia Lin, Nina Chen, Austin Chen

Updated: November 23, 2023 — 11:35 am

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