AYLUS Syosset Teaches Violin to Younger Students (8/25/2023)

On August 25th, 2023, members of the Syosset AYLUS branch taught basic violin skills to their students. The students were split into groups according to their respective levels. The higher leveled group learned parts of Suzuki book songs. However, some adjustments to their postures were made. The remaining students were taught the basics of violin foundation, including posture, bow hold, and how to read music. They were assigned to play open strings and basic scales. Notes from the treble clef and bass clef were taught. Some students were given tape to put on their violins for proper place to put their fingers on.

AYLUS members who volunteered were Suiying Li (1.5hrs), Suiwei Li(1.5hrs), Xihan Zhang(1.5hrs)

Updated: August 28, 2023 — 3:18 pm

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