Syosset Branch volunteers at CCE Nassau Farmers’ Market at Eisenhower Park for the sixth week, 8/19/23


Written by: Sophia Liu

On Saturday, August 19th, members of the AYLUS Syosset branch attended the Cornell Cooperative Extension Nassau Farmers’ Market at Eisenhower Park for the sixth week in a row! The market is dedicated to bringing awareness to the benefits of eating farm-fresh produce and supporting local businesses. There were many vendors featured at the market, all of whom sold locally-made items. These include vegetables, fruit, bread, baked goods, pickles, candles, and more. Each week, the booths change. 

This week, many volunteers helped out by adding weights to tents since it was so windy out. They also helped carry out chairs, signs, tables, and cones to set up the booths. Throughout the market, the volunteers were split into two groups. One group worked at the nutrition booth while the other group worked at the information booth where volunteers kept count of the number of people at the market. After the market was over, volunteers helped clean up by taking down the tents, folding up chairs and tables, and bringing them back to the CCE building. 


Members participated include:

everyone (4h): Sophia Liu, Rachel Zhang, Alyssa Huang, Thea Chen, Margaret Zhang . 





Updated: August 23, 2023 — 12:14 am

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