AYLUS Saratoga Members Cleaned up El Quito Park(7/30/2023)

Reported by: Charlotte Shi


Event description: From 9:00 to 11:00 AM PDT on Sunday, July 30th, members of the Saratoga AYLUS branch cleaned up El Quito Park. Our goals were finding a way to help the environment and spreading awareness. Volunteers collected around 5 bags’ worth of trash, including things from discarded food to used masks. At the end of the event, the collected items were disposed of safely. 


Participants (2 hours for all): Charlotte Shi, Angel Shi, Hualiang Shi, Tiantian Hu, Justin Shen, Joycelyn Zhou, Jacquelyn Zhou


Updated: August 2, 2023 — 8:10 pm

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