Riverside County AYLUS Members Create Bags for the Homeless on July 23rd and July 28th, 2023

Helping the underserved population has been one of the main goals of the RCA branch. On July 23rd, 2023 several RCA members got together to create bags for the homeless. Prior to the meet-up, the members gathered goodies such as toothbrushes, toothpaste, deodorant, female hygiene pads, protein bars, water, and more. The members then got together, organized, and started packing the bags. Once the bags were filled, the members created handwritten and hand-drawn cards with some uplifting words that were then added. The bags were then dropped off at a local homeless outreach center. More people have been struggling in our community with the rise in inflation, and more people have become homeless due to rising rent and other costs. By creating these bags, the group wants to help those who have been unfortunate by providing some essentials and uplifting words.


Nicholas Navarro, Sophie Chung, Khang (Daniel) Tran, Holiday Rothermund, Michael Brown 3.5 hours each
Khang (Daniel) Tran, Holiday Rothermund, Kayden Nguyen, Nicholas Navarro, Sophie Chung 1 hour each


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