East Cobb Branch senior English tutoring June 2023

On June , 2023  the East Cobb Branch of AYLUS held a Senior Tutoring activity. All tutoring activities are in person in the Senior centers and online for local community.

students who are  glad to be given this opportunity that they  can help senior people as well as practicing their chinese  and leadership skills. All the senior people were appreciated to their tutoring and enjoy for the sessions which encouraged them a lot. To preparing this program, students learned to organize their  thoughts, their way of teaching. they learned how to make others understand and easy to follow. they  also learned to manage their voice given different audience. they need to speak louder  because of teaching  senior people. So overall they are  appreciated to this program.  Hopefully, they could join this kind of activist and programs more in the future.

During the month of June, 2023, several members of the East Cobb Branch of AYLUS volunteered to tutor English to Senior Citizens. This activity was done online using Zoom.

students would help the senior learn to pronounce a word correctly if she was having trouble on her own. syudents enjoy helping the senior learn to speak and read English so that she can navigate life easier.

Attendance: Selina Huang 6/1/23, 6/5, 6/6, 6/7, 6/12,6/13,6/14,6/19, 6/20,6/27 for total 10 hours

Isabel Liu 6/13 1 hour

Celine Song 6/6 ( 1.5 hours) , 6/19 ( 1.5 hours)

Reported by: Celine song








Updated: July 31, 2023 — 7:53 pm

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