Aylus Syosset Volunteers continued assistance of transportation of the native plants at the LINPI Greenhouse. 7/29/23

On 7/29/23, Syosset AYLUS volunteered at the Brentwood LINPI (Long Island Native Plants Initiative) Greenhouse. Native plants such as bushes, wooly grass, clethra alnifolia, mountain mint, and cardinal flower were planted. Other jobs that were done were loosening up the soil from its original packaging onto a table, applying fertilizer to the soil, watering the soil, distributing the soil to separate-sized containers for each plant in accordance to size, and labeling the plants on individual tags. These plants are then distributed outside to its given location and sold to customers. Native plants provide natural habitat for the wildlife, while also preserving its abundance against invasive species.

Members that participated include: SuiWai Li(4 hrs), Xihan Zhang(4 hrs), Junxia Li (4 hrs), Siulan Sung (4 hrs).

Updated: July 30, 2023 — 12:18 am

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