East Aylus Pittsburgh Branch Aids Local Food Bank By Picking Blueberries

On July 26th, a group of dedicated volunteers from The East Aylus Pittsburgh Branch came together to support the local food bank’s initiative by assisting with the blueberry harvest. The purpose of the activity was to collect fresh, nutritious blueberries to donate to the food bank, ensuring that those in need had access to healthy and delicious food options. The day began early in the morning when the volunteers gathered at the designated meeting point. After a brief orientation on blueberry picking techniques, safety guidelines, and the importance of their efforts, the team was ready to start. The fresh blueberries were then collected and transported to the local food bank. The donated blueberries would undoubtedly enhance the nutritional quality of the food offerings available to those facing food insecurity in our community.

volunteers: Joshua Chen, Eliot Chen, Evan Chen. Jason Li, Reagan He (all 2 hours)



Updated: July 29, 2023 — 11:16 pm

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