East Pittsburgh Aylus Branch Helps Local Food Bank Pack Vegtables and Fruits.

On Wednesday July 12, a group of dedicated volunteers gathered at the local food bank to assist with packing vegetables and fruits into boxes. The purpose of this activity was to contribute to the food bank’s mission of providing nutritious meals to individuals and families in need. Upon arrival, the volunteers were greeted by the food bank staff, who provided a brief orientation and overview of the tasks at hand. The volunteers were divided into smaller groups and assigned specific responsibilities. Some volunteers were in charge of assembling boxes, while others focused on preparing the produce and packing it into the boxes.

volunteers: Joshua Chen(2.25 hours), Eliot Chen(2.25 hours), Evan Chen(45 mins), Jason Li(2.25 hours)


Updated: July 14, 2023 — 11:43 pm

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