AYLUS Raritan Valley Volunteers at Walk for MS in North Brunswick on 5/7/23

On May 7th, 2023, AYLUS Raritan Valley volunteered at a walk in North Brunswick Community Park. This event was hosted by the National MS Society, which is an organization dedicated to spreading awareness about multiple sclerosis. This is a disease that affects the cells connecting the spine and the brain, in which a part of the cell called the myelin sheath begins to deteriorate.

There were many positions available for volunteers to help out with, such as being part of the spirit team that cheered the walkers on or greeting them and directing them where to go. AYLUS Raritan Valley helped out in registration, handing out T-shirts to participants who fundraised over $100 for the National MS society. Many of the participants were people who had MS or had a loved one with MS and wanted to show their support for the organization. AYLUS Raritan Valley handed out so many T-shirts that by the end, there weren’t any 3XL shirts remaining!

Reported by: Vivian Sun (4 hours)

Updated: May 17, 2023 — 1:00 am

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