AYLUS RC Branch distributed environmentally shopping bags on 04/01/2023 <1>

On April 1st, 2023, seven members from the AYLUS RC Branch participated in a volunteer event organized by the ALFC Generosity Center to distribute environmentally friendly shopping bags in our community. The weather was perfect for the event, and there were many volunteers who were assigned to different supermarkets in our community to distribute the bags.


In California, the government has banned supermarkets from providing free plastic bags in order to protect the environment. They encourage people to use cloth or other materials for shopping to reuse them, and for those who need plastic bags, supermarkets charge a fee. Therefore, we distributed environmentally friendly shopping bags to our local community residents for free.


Our branch members were assigned to distribute bags at the entrance of Food 4 Less supermarket. When people entered the supermarket and received the free bags, they were very happy, and we were honored to be part of this meaningful volunteer event.


The event was a success, and we were happy to see that many people in our community were receptive to the idea of using environmentally friendly shopping bags. We hope that this event will inspire more people to take actions to protect the environment and reduce plastic waste. We also look forward to participating in more events like this in the future to make our community a better place.

The volunteer time for this event was 4 hours, and the names of the participating members are: Aron Feng; Ryan Kan; Xinran Zhang; Yuxuan Liu; Morgan Li; James Yang; JIahe Song

Updated: April 28, 2023 — 11:31 pm

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