Roslyn Assisted in New York State Park Cleanup (12th) on March 18, 2023

On Saturday, March 18, from 9:30 am-12:00 pm, the Roslyn Branch volunteered at the Jones Beach Energy & Nature Center.

We worked on cutting the dead parts of native plants, including the seaside goldenrod, the purple coneflower, the little bluestem, and the broomsedge bluestem, allowing for better growth in the springtime. We also raked the dead leaves and branches off the ground so the plants would access more sunlight. The branches and dead plants were then transferred to a different area to become compost using a tarp to carry them away. The area that we worked on previously was a parking lot, which was around 10 acres, that was recently removed to preserve the natural environment. Our help by cutting the plants and raking the leaves allows the new plant leaves and buds to grow. Since these plants are all relatively new, they do not have particularly strong roots currently and cannot regrow as well as older plants. Assisting them with their growth in their earlier years will help them survive. Although winter is ending, it was still cold outside and was amplified by the strong coastal winds. Even with these inconveniences, we were able to persevere and help the environment, which is extremely rewarding.

Members who participated include:

Ethan Lin (2.5 hours), Ryan Lin (2.5 hours), Yang Amy Wu (2.5 hours), Jacqueline King (2.5 hours), Serena Wu (2.5 hours), Jolina Wu (2.5 hours), Mingyao Xu (2.5 hours), Zihan Wang (2.5 hours), and Hunter Chen (2.5 hours).

Reporter: Jacqueline King

Updated: March 18, 2023 — 7:47 pm

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