Aylus Greater Triangle February 4, 2023 4th Helping New Immigrants (Read Aloud)

Aylus Greater Triangle February 4, 2023 4th Helping New Immigrants (Read Aloud)

AYLUS Greater Triangle branch has launched the “Open Sky Book Club” initiative to promote youth literacy and community engagement through reading. The project helps new immigrant children improve their English reading and language skills while creating an online platform for English cultural exchange among Chinese youth. It is often a challenge for new immigrants to speak out loud in English due to their lack of confidence and practice. This event would be a great platform to improve their fluency in language speaking and become more comfortable expressing their opinions. This event, themed “Story of the World,” was organized by Sky Tianyi Han and Taige Shi. The event aimed to connect Chinese youth interested in English communication and culture and encourage a love of reading among Triangle’s youth. This initiative represents an important step towards promoting literacy and cultural exchange among the youth in the Triangle region.

Updated: March 10, 2023 — 8:57 pm

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