Riverside County AYLUS Members Create Blankets for the Local Animal Shelter During the Month of November, 2022 (1)

During the month of November, RCA members decided to create handmade tied fleece blankets for various local animal shelters. The project was started during the month of November and will continue over the next 2-3 months to cover the cold period. Members discussed in a meeting how to go about it, then gathered the supplies and got to work. On November 20th, some of the members got together at the local park to continue working on some of the blankets.

The different fabrics provided different challenges. One type of fleece needed to be heat sealed as the edges started to unravel. Different techniques were used to make these blankets and different solutions were discussed to find the most efficient way to create them.

These blankets will provide comfort to the animals and will not only provide warmth during the cold winter months but will also help them with separation anxiety.



11/20 Sophie Chung, Evan Chang, Kyan Chang 1.5 hrs each
11/20 Nicholas Navarro 1 hr

11/30 Kyan Chang and Evan Chang 2 hrs each

11/26 Sophie Chung 0.5 hrs
11/30 Sophie Chung 2 hrs

11/25, 11/27 Kayla Paulsen 2 hrs per day
11/26 Kayla Paulsen 4 hrs
11/25, 11/26  Alyssa Paulsen 2 hrs per day

11/23, 11/26, 11/28, 11/29  Michael Brown 40 minutes per day
and 11/30 Michael Brown 80 minutes



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