Murrieta AYLUS Helps STAT Horse Sanctuary (3rd) (11/19/22)

Reported by Adora Xiao

On November 19, 2022, Murrieta AYLUS members lended a hand to the STAT Horse Sanctuary.

They arrived in the early morning, eager to get started and show new members the ropes. After a trip to the trunk to haul a massive bag of carrots, they began shoveling the stalls. With teamwork and the help of other volunteers, they were able to finish quickly. They then spent some time with the kittens Spot and Meow, before being showed how to prepare their food. Afterwards, they took a trip to see the goats, particularly the two newborns barely 3 days old! After changing the water for the goats, they then went to work repairing a stretch of fence. After an unfavorable altercation with the resident turkey and gloves, they steered clear of him while repairing. Due to the goats ramming into the fence, it began tilting outwards, thus stakes were driven and secured into the ground to straighten out the fence. They were also taught how to repair areas of the fence that were broken, while distracting the pigs and goats with fresh carrots. They then brought the carrots to the horses, bidding all the animals goodbye for the week.


Adora Xiao / 3 hrs

Angel He / Cathy(Kaixi) Liu / Jessica Lu / Julie (Hsin Chen) Lu / 2.5hrs each

Updated: November 27, 2022 — 5:09 am

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