Greater Temecula Valley AYLUS Repairs and Cleans Public Benches in Temecula in September 2022! (2)

On September 24th 2022, GTVA President Ally Negulescu (3 hours) volunteered and partnered with Temecula Sunrise Rotary Club and helped to clean public bus stop benches in Temecula!

Ally once again had to wake up at 6 am, so naturally, like any other person, she overslept. Still, thanks to the “safe” driving skills from her dad, she was able to make it on time. She made it over to the Shell gas station on Solana Way and Ynez Road for the group gathering and teams were split off as well as route assignments. Instead of the “Uncle Jimmy” team this time, Ally was able to work with Ms. Myra Allen, ex president of the Temecula Sunrise Rotary Club.

This time, Ms. Myra and Ally were able to clean the Old Town Temecula route, which consisted of 5 benches. This time, the process was slightly more difficult. First, the benches were sprayed down with a vinegar and water mixture for base cleaning. Then, it was wiped off with the window wiper thingy (I forgot what it’s called). Next, it was drenched with an alcohol mixture which was violently scrubbed with a sponge. Finally, it was wiped away with paper towels. After repeating this timely process several times, Ms. Myra and Ally were finally finished with the Old Town route.

After finishing the benches, all of the Rotary Club members gathered together at Penfold, a restaurant in Old Town Temecula (that apparently all the famous people in Temecula go to eat). The food was good. Like really good. No wonder all the famous people go there. But other than that, Ally went home after working all morning and crashed in her bed, effectively getting back the sleep she lacked earlier.

Updated: September 26, 2022 — 3:02 am

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