AYLUS Welcomes its 117th Branch – North Jersey, NJ on August 4th, 2022

On August 4th, 2022, three students in North Jersey, NJ founded the 117th branch of the Alliance of Youth Leaders in the United States (AYLUS): North Jersey, NJ.

Congratulations to Judy Zhang, William Cui, and Rachel Liao of the North Jersey Branch! Great job!

Description of the North Jersey Branch

AYLUS’s core values are leadership, integrity, and innovation. Hoping to connect with the diverse group of people around us, the North Jersey branch will uphold these important values through actions such as volunteering, fundraising, and providing resources. By doing so, we not only serve and give back to our community but also equip our members with the skills they need to succeed. Community service and unity are needed now more than ever, as healthcare workers, elders, students, teachers, and many others are struggling. To elaborate, actions the North Jersey AYLUS branch will take to better our community include providing resources for those in need, creating projects, hosting events in various fields to foster creativity, and fundraising for charity issues. Through hosting programs and events, we work to develop passion, creativity, diligence, and virtue in our members. If you are from the North Jersey area and wish to make a difference in your local community and beyond, we welcome you to join us! Contact us at aylusnorthjersey@gmail.com to be a member!

Updated: August 6, 2022 — 12:49 am

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