AYLUS Manhasset Participates in Composting Event 4/22/22

On 4/22/22, AYLUS Manhasset participated in a composting event by burning dead branches around the area to create wood ash which will help fertilize and nourish the garden in the area.

When the branches were being burned, members took care to ensure the surrounding area wold not catch on fire and watched over the fire as it was burning. More wood would be added to ensure the fire would not go out and to make a relatively large pile of wood ash. After around 3 hours, it was decided to stop burning due to the sizable pile of ash and the smoke. Since there is still wood left to burn, it will be continued at a later date.

In the meantime, members also focused on fertilizing the garden and dirt with compost that was already available.

The members who participated were Loretta Liu (3 hr), Matthew Yang (3 hr), Joanna Yang (3 hr), Gavin Can (2 hr)

Updated: April 22, 2022 — 10:37 pm

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