AYLUS Syosset Celebrates Lunar New Year with a Bake Sale (2/1/2022)

On 2/1/22, two members of AYLUS Syosset joint led a bake sale event with Yorktown High School’s International Club in order to promote the observance of and demonstrate appreciation for the lunar new year in Arlington, VA.

As a joint effort from both parties, members spearheaded the supply, maintenance, and management of the bake sale booth during and after school. The establishment of the bake sale was implemented by the assembly of various foods of different cultures: present were a mixture of Korean, Vietnamese, and Japanese consumables. The Korean baked goods, such as red bean buns, were provided by Shilla bakery. The Vietnamese foods consisted of homemade spring rolls and Banh Tet, a traditional rice cake usually eaten during the new years. Japanese snacks, such as Pretz and shrimp chips, were provided by a member of the YHS International Club. Any food being sold was individually wrapped in accordance with the High School’s COVID policy.

The event was designed to bring awareness to the diverse cultures which celebrate the lunar new year, including Korean, Chinese, and Vietnamese culture. This was achieved through the showcasing of the foods and the decorations prepared that evoked the essence of the holiday. The raised funds will be going to the Yorktown High School International Club.

The following AYLUS members were a part of this event: Simon Koide (1.5 Hours) and John Thach (1.5 Hours).

Updated: February 4, 2022 — 2:39 am

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