Phoenix AYLUS Organized Holiday Bag Drive in January 2022

During one of their weekly Midwest Food Bank volunteering sessions in December 2021, AYLUS Phoenix members saw that their local food bank was collecting bags to distribute to those in need. To make a greater impact, AYLUS Phoenix decided to organize a Holiday Bag Drive where members could donate their own bags and help Midwest Food Bank in accomplishing their mission. Getting the word out required flyers to be made and distributed across social media platforms, which was done by AYLUS member Annie Chen. As the Holiday Bag Drive continues throughout the winter season and ends February 28th, families continue to donate their bags to help the cause.

Volunteers who participated in this event include Annie Chen (4 hours), Sophia Chen (2hours), Audrey Zhang (2 hours), Katherine Wei (1 hour), and Ethan Wei (1 hour).

Updated: February 2, 2022 — 9:26 pm

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