Greater Princeton AYLUS Continues Education Help Program (70th) in October 2021

In October, the Greater Princeton Branch of AYLUS (GPA) students continued their Education Help Program. Although schools are restarting, some middle school students are still looking for tutoring classes to improve their academic skills in classes like math, science, or reading. Because of this, GPA is holding tutoring opportunities in core subjects.

GPA member Annie Miao (10/23, 2 hrs) tutored her students in math: This week, Annie and her tutee continued working on distributing and factoring. They practiced more problems where one term could be factored out and also started factoring perfect trinomials with a leading coefficient of 1.

GPA member Catherine tutored her student in math and reading: I tutored my student in math (10/25) from 3:30 – 6:00 pm. This week, we focused on relatively prime numbers. We went over the concept before working on problems that involved finding which values were relatively prime to one another. We then did some more complex problems involving finding two relatively prime numbers when given clues about them. I tutored another student in math from 5:00 – 7:00 pm on Sunday (10/24). We continued working on multiplication problems, multiplying two digit numbers with two digit numbers. Finally, I tutored two students in reading (10/25) from 8:00 – 9:30 pm. We read a book about planets: I had the students first read the book out loud before I explained the concepts inside to them and we had a discussion about the book’s contents. I then showed them a video about planets, the solar system, and the universe.

GPA member Yan Fischer (10/25, 2 hrs) tutored his student in math.

The program allows GPA members to provide reading, writing, speaking, communication, and more to their students across the country.

Updated: October 27, 2021 — 5:42 pm

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