Greater Princeton AYLUS Continues Education Help Program (57th) in August 2021

In August, the Greater Princeton Branch of AYLUS (GPA) students continued their Education Help Program. As school ends and summer break starts, some middle school students are looking for tutoring classes to improve their academic skills in classes like math, science, or reading. Because of this, GPA is holding tutoring opportunities in core subjects. 

This week, GPA members Karen Yang (8/8, 2 hrs) and Kevin Song (8/8, 3 hrs) began with a question of the day. We then did a problem that we left off of last week where the students had to find the values of y that fulfilled an equation. They broke down each part of the equation with the entire class. They then did problems where the quadratic coefficient wasn’t 1, leading to more breaking down and practice problems. We then began teaching a bit of physics as we found the math to relate a bit to the concepts of vectors, scalars and displacement. We’ll be having class next week!

GPA member Sophia Song (8/10, 2 hrs): This week Sophia helped her tutee with Algebra 2 to prepare for the SAT. They went over a review of systems of equations and the process used to find the answers to such problems.

GPA members Annie Miao (8/12, 2 hrs): This week, Annie and her tutee finished up their review on statistics for the upcoming school year with a discussion on how to use different charts like histograms and dot charts to display data.

The program allows GPA members to provide reading, writing, speaking, communication, and more to their students across the country.

Updated: August 12, 2021 — 6:29 pm

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