AYLUS Rancho Santa Margarita Members Donated Beddings to Henan Flood Victims in July 2021

AYLUS Rancho Santa Margarita Members donated beddings to those affected by a surge of rainfall and flooding in Xinxiang, Henan, in July 2021.

In late July 2021, heavy rainfall resulted in massive flooding across the middle plains of China, concentrated in Henan Province. AYLUS RSM contacted a resident of Xinxiang County, Henan, one of the epicenters of the flooding. We received word that they needed beddings for those displaced by the floods. AYLUS RSM collected a total of $825 (¥5346) in donations for 100 beddings. The aids arrived at Xinxiang on July 28, 2021.

In this case, members of AYLUS stepped up and extended assistance to those in need. AYLUS RSM is proud to have served the global community and offered help in this dire situation.


Allison, Ethan L, Stella, Carina, Steven, Emily, Jane, Ethan X, Michelle, Kim, Elena: 5 hours

Simon, Tom, Diana: 7 hours

Jasmine: 6.5 hours

Cyra, Jim, Sophia: 2 hours

Updated: August 8, 2021 — 11:43 pm

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