Greater Temecula Valley AYLUS Shares the Pandemic Experiences (2nd) w/Our Friends in June 2021

Starting last year, the US response to COVID-19 included concert cancellations, school closures, and postponement/suspension of all indoor activities that continued into the first half of 2021. As hard as it was, we managed to make the best of it and learned how to cope with the new social environment.

On June 12, 2021, the Greater Temecula Valley AYLUS (GTVA) Ally Negulescu (1.5 hrs), Adora Xiao (1 hr), Julie Lu (1 hr), and Jessica Lu (1 hr) continued to share our pandemic experiences.  We answered questions to both parents and students related to the US school academic plan, difference between semesters and quarters in the academic year, how to help your child adjust to distance learning, and the rules to visit the amusement parks.

We believe that our friends overseas can learn from our experience and that our informative meetings benefit both parents and children as they continue to cope with this madness.  Actually these virtual events are helping ourselves as well reminding us that the fight against the COVID is NOT over and keeping us alert to win this battle against the virus.


Updated: June 13, 2021 — 11:46 pm

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