AYLUS Manhasset and AYLUS Syosset cooperate together in a composting project on 4/17/21

On Saturday afternoon of 4/17, AYLUS Manhasset and Syosset members came together to organize a composting session. We helped an elderly woman build composting bins and fill them up. the bins were quite large, and they were filled with organic debris and nitrogenous matter. This mixture, given time will coagulate to form compost. In around 4 months, the compost would be ready for gardening. Special thanks to the parents of the members who worked hard to organize this and to be present and support our members!

Here are the participants:

Matthew yang from the Manhasset branch(2 hours) and Alan Huang from the Syosset branch(2 hours).

Updated: April 25, 2021 — 1:47 am

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