AYLUS San Fernando Valley Hosts Book Drive and Donates to Salvation Army Donation Center in Canoga Park on January 24, 2021

Within the month of January, the AYLUS branch of San Fernando Valley hosted a book drive to interact with the community and donate goods to people who need them. The members of the branch – Benjamin Kozikaro-Sanchez, Jason Xie, Marc Hua, and Logan Weinstein – put up a site to drop off books people didn’t need. We gathered three bags of books for a total of more than 100 books! On January 24th, 2021, the group of high school students paid a visit to The Salvation Army Donation Center and Family Store in Canoga Park. The team dropped off the books along with some clothes and toys of their own that they didn’t need anymore – all to benefit the less fortunate.

All in all, the branch gathered three bags of books for a total of more than 100 books! Great job everyone!


Jason Xie (1 hour, hosted book drive, dropped off books)

Benjamin Kozikaro-Sanchez (1 hour, reached out to the community, dropped off books )

Marc Hua (1 hour, reached out to community, dropped off books and other goods )

Logan Weinstein (.5 hours, reached out to community, couldn’t attend drop-off )

Updated: January 25, 2021 — 4:17 pm

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