Marlboro Branch Holds its Second MCVSD Information Seminar (11/23/20)

On November 23rd, 2020, the Marlboro AYLUS branch held another MCVSD (Monmouth County Vocational School District). These schools are highly competitive and very prestigious. The purpose of the seminar was to provide information to 7th and 8th graders who may apply to the MCVSD schools. There were multiple members from each of the 5 schools speaking at the seminar, allowing for the audience to get a sense of the environment in each school. Speakers also told the audience why they applied and what kind of experience they have had so far in their respective schools. Many parents voiced their praise and thanked the branch for the seminar. The members of the Marlboro branch are glad that they were able to help the community and share their experiences with others.

Ayush Bobra (2 Hours)
Ishaan Akula (2 Hours)
Haley Deng (2 hours)
Nikhil Osuri (2 Hours)
Zehra Taqvi (2 Hours)
Michael Tepperman (2 Hours)
Emma Luo (2 Hours)
Emily Luo (2 Hours)
Advika Vuppala (2 Hours)
Ananya Vuppala (2 Hours)
Dhriti Thogarchedu (2 Hours)
Bryce Gestrich (2 Hours)
Eliza Madore (2 Hours)

Updated: December 7, 2020 — 12:34 am

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