Rancho Santa Margarita Branch Donates Clothes to Goodwill

On November 10, 2020, AYLUS RSM members donated lightly used clothes to the San Juan Capistrano Goodwill Boutique. Throughout the pandemic, the members gained much insight into their lives and how they could benefit their communities in the face of hardship. Each family gathered items that they were willing to donate and packaged them to be sent to help a greater purpose.


The members met in front of the store, wearing masks, with their bags of donations. Then they proceeded to enter the donation entrance and give the bags to workers who accepted them in exchange for their thanks.


This event allowed each member to see the impact of their donation, not only to help those in need but also to work against “fast fashion” and be a part of a cycle that promotes sustainable spending and buying.

Katie, Allison: 4 hours

Diana, Steven, Stella, Jasmine, Henry, Emily: 2 hours

Updated: November 23, 2020 — 4:38 am

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