Greater Princeton AYLUS Conservation Team Joined “Roots for Rivers” Event (4th) on November 7, 2020

On Saturday, November 7th, 2020, the Greater Princeton Branch of AYLUS (GPA) conservation team joined the 4th event of the “Roots for Rivers” hosted for AYLUS youth volunteers by the Mercer County Park Commission. 

Alex Rivera, Land Steward of the Mercer County Park Commission led the volunteer event at Dam Site 21 in Hamilton, New Jersey. The Roots for Rivers Reforestation Grant and Technical Assistance Program funded by The Nature Conservancy as part of their ongoing efforts to plant 100,000 trees in New Jersey by 2020. The Mercer County Park Commission expects this Roots for Rivers planting would improve water quality in the watershed and provide habitat for wildlife and pollinators.

GPA volunteers provided their own gloves, masks, water, and any other refreshments. The Park Commission provided tools needed for the planting and sanitized them between group use. Masks required when people are within six feet of each other. However, the Commission was limiting group sizes so that people could spread out. It will comply with and enforce any other federal or state laws related to COVID in effect at the time of the planting. 

GPA members volunteered for the tree/shrub planting tasks, including digging planting holes for 110 trees/shrubs, placing plants in the hole dug for them, backfilling soil into the hole, shuttling of materials, and installation of galvanized wire fence around some plants. Some volunteers help create tree cages from the galvanized wire fence. 

Participants (11/7, 4 hrs for all): Fiona Fan, Angela Bao, Fengqi Wen, Jessica Chen, Angela Chen, Xiangcheng Samuel Ying, Ruofei Olivia Mao, Gina Shen, Lina Yang, Pearl Song, Sarah Liu, Shannon Liu (2 extra hours for editing the drone video), Ethan Xie, Ian Xie, Alexander Lin, Xinyi Christine Zhang (2 extra hours for editing the drone video), Steven Li, Nicole Liu, Winnie Chen, Cosner Yang, Lana Cheng, Sky Tianyi Han, Steven Chi, Andy Chi.

Updated: May 1, 2021 — 5:20 pm

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