Greater Princeton AYLUS Offers “Sound of Music for Kids” Program (3rd) in October 2020

On October 17, 2020, the Greater Princeton AYLUS (GPA) continued its unique tutoring program: Sound of Music for Kids! For this Saturday (10/17; 1 hour class), Joyce Li and Edward Li worked as teaching assistants for teacher Michelle Zhong, leading a class of 7 kids. They helped lead them in stretches, warm up, and a piece of music. Joyce and Edward are very excited and proud that they can do something for the community.

GPA members Joyce Li and Edward Li have been taking private vocal lessons for six years. Joyce just won Platinum awards in the “My Great Stage–Season 6–Singing category”. To serve others with their singing skills, Joyce and Edward volunteer as teaching assistants for kids’ singing class this fall.

Updated: October 21, 2020 — 11:40 pm

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