Greater Princeton AYLUS Continued “Cool Crafting for AYLUSxCreation” on September 22, 2020

On September 22, 2020, the Greater Princeton Branch of AYLUS (GPA) continued its “Cool Crafting for AYLUSxCreation” project. The goal of this project is to encourage GPA members to raise funds for AYLUS using their own talents in all kinds of crafting. 

Amy Xu (4 hrs) worked on organizing the shop behind the scenes, selling shoes and made some more postings on the Depop. She has been trying to post/sell some non-customized items, making another custom pair of jeans. Her experimentation with stamping has been successful. Hopefully, she can add more Etsy listings too.

Tiffany Ma (1 hr) is selling her crochet strawberries on Etsy, and Sarah Yan (1 hr) is selling her necklaces. Amber Yu (1 hr) is making her art into stamps, since her work’s too detailed for a screen. Their goal is to get all the products and art on Etsy and Depop by the end of October, though this will depend on each creator. They made an Instagram account for the shop, even though it is a little sparse, it will be a place to attract more traffic.

Updated: September 22, 2020 — 11:30 pm

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