September 5, East Cobb Branch Census 2020 Text Banking II

On September 5, 2020, eight AYLUS volunteers participated in the 2020 Census textbanking with CPACS. The census helps determine federal funding for schools, hospitals, highways, and more. The volunteers helped to send and reply to hundreds of messages to remind people to take the 2020 census.

During the meeting, all the volunteers introduced themselves first. Then the CPACS staff member explained what the census is, how it impacts people, and what they did. Many of the volunteers were textbanking for the first time, so the staff member taught everyone how to sign up on Hustle, a platform to send and respond to messages. The volunteers learned how to send messages and how to respond to different kinds of messages. The volunteers spent the rest of the meeting sending and responding to messages.

The members enjoyed helping to remind people to take part in the census. Seeing some people respond back with really kind words made the members feel very happy, and the Hustle website was easy and efficient to use.

Attendance: Faith Huang (2.5 hours), David Liu (2.5 hours), David Kan (2.5 hours), Abigail Li (2.5 hours), Diane Chen (2.5 hours), Ethan Chen (2.5 hours), Maxwell Jiang (2.5 hours), Larry Cai (2.5 hours)


Reported by Faith Huang


Updated: September 6, 2020 — 10:54 pm

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