Edison Branch Serviced at Edison Oaktree pond on August 25th, 2020

On Tuesday 25, 2020, the Edison Branch of AYLUS, Victoria He, Prince Hu, Angela Hu and Qin Zhang, went to Edison Oaktree Pond pick up trash. It was a sunny afternoon with a slight breeze, and the beautiful weather made the good deed even more satisfying. The park was littered with trash, and the group was able to fill several bags of trash. However, even though it was satisfying for them to leave the park in an even better state than they had found it, they were saddened to learn that they were able to fill their bags with trash so easily. The Edison Branch wants to remind the community to help out the environment by picking up and throwing out whatever bits of trash they see when they’re outside, and more importantly to hold onto their trash until they find a proper location to dispose of it.

Updated: August 31, 2020 — 1:57 am

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