Greater Memphis Branch Tutors Violin from August 17th to 28th

On August 17th, 18th, 21st, 24th, 28th, one of our members, Emily Hu, tutored Eric Zhao violin. Below is what she went over during each lesson-

For the first violin session, she taught him the last passage of a piece he didn’t know and went over some mistakes.

For the second session, she helped him go over mistakes and memorize a portion of the piece.

For the third session, she helped him memorize the entire piece, and also went over a review piece he needed to prepare for his next class.

During the fourth lesson, she went over his fully memorized piece. He got stuck in quite a few places so she helped him while also trying to get him to play smoother. After that, he played the first part of his new piece with the corrected errors.

During the fifth lesson, she went over his older piece and corrected a few mistakes and then did the same thing for his newer piece. He did pretty well, so the session was shorter than the others.

Total tutoring time: 4.5 hours (1 hr + 1 hr + 1 hr + 45 min + 45 min)

Updated: August 31, 2020 — 1:34 am

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