Greater Memphis Branch Hosts Summer Camp from August 3rd-7th

Recently this week, from Monday through Friday, we hosted our very first summer camp where we tutored children on all sorts of subjects and activities. This camp acted as a quick review before the start of school while in quarantine. The subjects taught included concepts on reading, math, science, and grammar, different languages including Chinese, Korean, and Spanish, and fun activities including origami. In all, 43 children signed up, with around 10-15 participants in each class. Each class lasted an hour and there were 5 classes each day.

Overall, the camp was a success as everyone seemed to enjoy the experience. We hope to continue this in the future when we have more time.

Tutors- Harris Chen (6hrs), Annie Zhao (6 hrs), Ashley Yan (4 hrs), Jimmy He (3 hrs), Abby Bang(3 hrs), Tess (3 hrs), Avani Garde(3 hrs), Madeleine (3 hrs), Xiaolei Wu (3 hrs), Kyle Reasons(3 hrs), Michelle (3 hrs), Karis Ko (1.5 hrs), Yuka Yang(1.5 hrs), Sophia Cheng (1.5 hrs), Eric Chen (1.5 hrs for hosting).


Updated: February 21, 2021 — 5:27 am

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