Greater Princeton AYLUS Teamed up to Tutor Kids Reading and Writing (2nd) on June 29, 2020

On June 29, 2020, student members of the Greater Princeton Branch of AYLUS (GPA) teamed up and taught kids from West Windsor in the subjects of reading and writing. The 1-hour class offered by GPA members Karen Yang and Kathy Yang teach 5 middle schoolers, Aria, Claire, Victor, Meisu, and Helen, on reading and writing.

This week was about World War 2, Anne Frank and her diary, “The Diary of a Young Girl.” The GPA members had another student join them, Charlotte! The kids began with a warm up writing sample answering a series of questions about what they would do if stuck in quarantine for 761 days and then responded to their classmates. Then, the GPA members taught them a lesson with Google Slides, videos, readings and photos on Anne Frank, her family and her experience hiding in the Annex. The kids got to read her diary and respond to a series of questions and talked about why Anne’s writing was so unique. Finally, homework assigned (reading another passage of Anne’s diary and responding) and receiving their feedback on the class. 

Updated: July 1, 2020 — 3:14 pm

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