East Cobb Branch Delivered Posters and Face Shields to Wellstar Medical Group on 6-9-2020

On June 9th, 2020, four AYLUS members delivered boxes full of cards as well as paper cranes as gifts to a local WellStar Healthcare Center. 

When we arrived, we told the people at the front desk what we had brought with us and our appreciation for their hard work and persistence for keeping our community healthy. We wanted to give back to the community through kindness and love with our cards since it was the same community that had nurtured and taken care of us when we were younger. 

The people at the front desk received our gifts with great warmth and cheerfulness, and we took pictures with them holding up our cards. 

I’m glad that we are able to help and support our community and help encourage them to keep on standing strong in the face of this pandemic. I’m thankful for these wonderful healthcare workers who selflessly defend their community with great courage and strength. Though cards may seem insignificant and unsubstantial, these little gifts of thanks boost the healthcare workers mentally and lets them know and constantly reminds them that there are multitudes of people out there who greatly appreciate their effort. This is our community. To ensure that our community remains strong, we must help each other. Since the nurses and doctors defend us at the frontlines of the battle with COVID-19, we must support them, and one of the ways in doing so is by giving uplifting cards. 

Reported by Susanna Huang

Participants: Jack Xu (1 hour); Gary Mei (1 hour); Brian Kuang (1hour); and Susanna Huang (1 hour)


Updated: June 18, 2020 — 2:49 am

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