East Cobb Branch 3D Printing Shield Masks for Local Healthcare Units V

Through the hardships and challenges COVID-19 is bringing to our community, one must step up to create a positive change to help and to provide for others. For that reason, AYULUS had a wonderful idea to print face masks through 3-D printers to aid the limited supply of equipment.

As a member, my contributions of time and effort, is impacting multiple lives and hopefully bringing awareness to the cause. In order to do this, I had to first build the 3-D printer. By following directions, and a few helpful hands along the way, I achieved a nice final product. Next, I had to install a software to be able to transfer the data of a file into a card the printer could read. This part took some trouble, because the printer was not turning on, which hindered the process, but we figured out the leading issue. After the data was inserted into the printer, and the mask codes were selected, the printing began. However, a slight problem in the building kept making the printer’s nozzle come too close to the print bed, causing there to be no space for the ink to come out. As a result, after testing and testing and adjusting and adjusting, I finally fixed the problem and soon face masks were being print.

Attendance: Jennifer He (30 hrs)

Reported by Jennifer He

Updated: June 3, 2020 — 2:18 am

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