East Cobb Branch Held Online Youth Tutoring Program VI

On April 21, 23, and 24, 2020, the East Cobb Branch of AYLUS held Youth Tutoring activities online, in light of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. All tutoring activities are one-on-one and use Zoom to communicate.

We’ve changed our original tutoring program as libraries have closed due to the pandemic, and meeting students in person is no longer viable. As students need arguably more help during this period of school closures, we are giving kids in our area an opportunity to receive help. The interaction between tutors and students also makes learning more enjoyable.

On the 21st and 23rd, Jack Xu tutored a 5th grader on operations using decimals on Zoom. The student was struggling with homework and had a hard time understanding some concepts. Jack helped the student complete and understand the homework by explaining key concepts and strategies. The student was happy to finally understand the topic and finish her assignment. Later on the 24th, he tutored a 2nd grader seeking more advanced learning in Social Studies, and helped her with various US history assignments on IXL.

Attendance: Jack Xu (3 hours)

Reported by Jack Xu

Updated: April 30, 2020 — 3:25 am

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