East Cobb Branch of AYLUS made fabric mask covers for healthcare workers

On April 11-12, 2020, the East Cobb Branch of AYLUS spent 2 hours each day making fabric mask covers for healthcare workers. Member, Cynthia Ruan, worked with the Facebook group Sewing Masks for Area Hospitals (COVID-19)- Atlanta consisting of 8,000 members in the community.
In light of the outbreak, members of the branch worked to make fabric mask covers for the healthcare workers to prevent fear in hospitals. Seeing people wear masks often strikes fear to people especially young children. By covering these masks with patterned fabric, the problem can be relieved. These fabric masks can also act as additional prevention in the spread of the virus.
A template was printed to cut the fabric into the N95 shape. The fabric was sewed together along with elastics. The masks were then ironed smooth ready to be delivered. In total, members made 30 masks.
At times like these, many doctors and nurses are risking their lives to relive the outbreak. Members of the branch hope to do as much as possible to help these workers and the community.
On Facebook, hospitals posted their workers with the masks on. It was so rewarding for the members to see their hard work being appreciated.


Attendance: Cynthia Ruan (4 hour)

Reported by Cynthia Ruan

Updated: April 25, 2020 — 11:46 am

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