East Cobb Branch Held Online Youth Tutoring Program VII

Starting from March, the East Cobb Branch of AYLUS held a Youth Tutoring activity online, in light of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. All tutoring activities are one-on-one and use Skype or Zoom to communicate.

We’ve changed our original tutoring program as libraries have closed due to the pandemic, and meeting students in person is no longer available. As students especially elementary kids need more attention and time for help with school assignments during this period of school closures, we are giving kids our area an opportunity to receive such instructed academic help. With so many computer supportive features. The interaction between tutors and students also makes learning more enjoyable.

On April 1st and 3rd, Gary Mei tutored the first-grade student over math and reading on Zoom. Because the student and the tutor were already acquainted (as I tutored her in the previous sessions), the learning process was very smooth and routine. As she was doing so well with me on math,  I decided to keep focusing on math and helped the student comprehend more complex topics for her age such as multiple times, I was able to plan out my tutoring sessions and made the session closer to what the student would experience from an actual teacher. By the end of the week, when I communicated with her parents, her mom thanked me for helping the student understand better on math fundamental concepts and advanced her math skill higher, at the same time helping her build up a routine learning habit during this chaos period.

Attendance: Gary Mei (2 hours)

Reported By: Gary Mei

Updated: April 30, 2020 — 3:40 am

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