Greater Princeton AYLUS Collecting Medical Supplies for Local Rescue Squad on March 18, 2020

The situation has just flipped. COVID-19 is now a real threat to our community in the United States, and it is time for us to help protect people around us.

A plea from our local rescue squad shows that the alarming condition of shortage in N95 face masks while its unpaid volunteers responding to emergency calls within our community.

On March 18, 2020, the Greater Princeton branch of AYLUS (GPA) starts collecting medical supplies, surgical ones and especially N95. If you have boxes of masks, please donate them to our local rescue squad. They pretty much won’t help you avoid getting sick – social distancing, washing your hands and staying home are way more effective!

However, they are critical to keep the squad members healthy as long as possible and allow them to continue responding to the calls when someone is sick or hurt. And while they have masks, they are using them at an alarming rate and have incredible difficulty replenishing their stock because of the severe shortage. Meanwhile, as we have seen in the news, the number of people infected is skyrocketing.

So far, we have collected 3500 flat surgical masks, 300 industrial N95 masks, 60 surgical N95 masks, and 1000 gloves. By collecting protective medical supplies, we are helping keep our local squad members safe, and able to continue saving lives!

Participants: Danny Jiao (6 hours), Cassie Tammy Wang (2 hours), Fengqi Wen (2 hours).

Updated: March 21, 2020 — 1:08 am

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