The positive thinkers understand that the world will not work as expected. Although it takes time, they believe that things will get better and everything will be fine. They are grateful for many things in their lives. Gratitude can form a virtuous circle. Sincere gratitude can make people happy. It is a constant practice and will be of great benefit to you. There are always things in your life that you can be grateful for.

What: AYLUS Gratitude Email Is Now Open. AYLUS Psychology Committee has applied the gratitude practice as a way of enhancing our mission and acknowledging


When: 2/20/2020-6/30/2020


How:  Are you grateful for anyone or anything?

1, record expressions from a gratitude perspective to form a mentality;

2, communicate feelings with gratitude;

3, form a habit to express and communicate gratitude.

If you’d like to share the stories about gratitude, please email to AYLUSgratitude@gmail.com. Express your gratitude aloud, increasing your self-confidence. One gratitude will expand into many gratitudes, and one happiness will expand into multiple happiness.

Excellent gratitude expression will be certified and promoted on the AYLUS website.

(Notes: Gratitude Cultivation is to build up the daily psychological habits of positively looking at life, which can be written as a gratitude diary every day. When you first start, you can also start with mother, father, teacher, friends, veterans, even a game or a concert, et al. Cultivating grateful eyes and thinking can make us feel the beauty of life and get a happy life, further serving for community)


Event Coordinators: Xin Chen

Updated: February 26, 2020 — 3:27 pm

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