East Cobb Branch Held Youth Tutoring Session IX

On Saturday, November 10th, the East Cobb Branch held tutoring sessions at the
East Cobb Library. Three tutors were available to help elementary and middle school students understand subjects to a greater extent and become more confident in academics. At the beginning of these sessions, the students came in with spelling difficulties and math questions ranging from simple addition to finding radicals and absolute value. They demonstrated comprehension of the subjects but strived for more practice with an application and higher-level thinking. The tutors went through these subjects step-by-step with patience.
One student who came for help today was Preston, an 8th grader from Dodgen
Middle School. Preston was born with fluid in his ears, which the doctors didn’t find it
until much later into his development. During that time, he was unable to hear clearly
and couldn’t learn how to speak with the other children. After the fluid was drained
from his ears, he was given medication to help them grow normally. Although he still
struggles with pronunciation, Preston has the willingness and persistence to learn,
despite the setbacks he has endured in his early learning experience.
The East Cobb Branch of AYLUS holds tutoring session in East Cobb Library every
Saturday for elementary and middle school students. These sessions offer
opportunities for those in the East Cobb area to gain more knowledge in the subjects
they’re working on in school. Interactions between students and tutors are both
academically engaging and personable.
Attendance: David Qu (2 hours), Rachel Li (2 hours), Howard Hua (1 Hour)
Reported by David Qu
Updated: November 12, 2018 — 11:15 pm

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