East Cobb Members Participated Summer Lunch Program IV

On June 20&22, 2018, the East Cobb Branch of AYLUS packed lunches for TWO hours at various YMCA Summer Outreach Program locations. The goal of this program is to provide meals for local kids who go without lunch once school is out. The volunteers would pack and serve lunches and then engage in fun activities with the kids.

When the students arrived at their location, they set up the table with all the supplies needed to make a complete lunch. The lunches included celery, ranch, broccoli, apple sauce, sandwiches, and chocolate milk/white milk. The volunteers lined up to form an assembly line to effectively complete their task. As they started packing the lunches, the children showed up eager to receive a healthy meal.

This program also helped the volunteers to learn more about the community. When all 50 lunches were packed, the volunteers joined the kids to play chalk pictionary, a game of soccer, or to just talk. The participants in pictionary would draw a random line with chalk, then another person had to find a way to make a distinguishable picture using that line. The game of soccer allowed the kids to kick the ball back and forth and run around the courtyard.

Although the weather was very sunny and hot, the volunteers really enjoyed engaging with the children. This program gave them an opportunity to learn and help the community.

Members: Maxwell Jiang, Cynthia Ruan, Katherine Sha, Kevin Shen, Rachel Li, Susanna Huang, Selina Huang

Reported by Rachel Li

Updated: June 22, 2018 — 9:57 pm

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