Chapel Hill Branch Performed at Senior Living Center on May 26, 2018

In this week’s retirement center visit, the AYLUS group for Chapel Hill sang some songs from “The Sound of Music”. These song included “Edelweiss”, “Do Re Mi”, and “My Favorite Things”. When these specials were played and sung, they brought back fond memories to all of us, including the seniors, as most of us grew up listening to these classical songs. We also learned something from a senior gentleman-the Edelweiss is a small white flower found on the Alps.  According to the man, in the olden days men pledged their faithfulness to their loved ones by giving them Edelweiss, as those flowers symbolize courage. He then said that it is difficult to reach for the flowers because they grow at high altitudes. The seniors also shared some stories from their younger days in high school. It was indeed very different from ours today! Grace also entertained the seniors with songs like Fur Elise and Ballade Pour Adeline. Nicholas played The Star Spangled Banner on his saxophone and some of the seniors stood up to show their patriotism. And so, after all this talk and music, the AYLUS group members walked like James Bond out of the senior center, for they thought this was the best performance they had ever had.

Updated: June 10, 2018 — 3:34 am

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