AYLUS Pearland 2018 Voter Registration Event

Over the course of two days from April 13th to April 14th 2018, AYLUS Pearland hosted its second annual voter registration training session and drive.
During the training session on the 13th, a Volunteer Deputy Registrar helped teach AYLUS members how the Democratic Process in the U.S functions and how they could aid in registering new voters to encourage them to make their voice heard in local and federal elections. After the presentation, members worked to create multiple posters encouraging voters to register for the upcoming registration drive the next day at the Learning School House.


On Saturday, April 14th, AYLUS members worked in collaboration with the Learning School House to register those who were of age and did not have the correct paperwork to vote in local and federal elections. Members volunteered in one hour shifts from 11:30am to 1:30pm and 3:30pm to 5:30 pm. During each shift, volunteers approached adults and encouraged those who had not yet registered to do so because of upcoming local elections concerning Pearland’s Board of Trustees on May 5th. Overall, the event was a success as by the end of the day, the number of registered voters was doubled that of the first voter registration drive which was held during the Presidential Election in 2016.


The AYLUS members who volunteered at this event were: Ethan Chen, Janie Chen, Andy Gu, Jerry Gu, Andy Jiang, Richard Kuzmenko, Sasha Kuzmenko, Jorryn Li, Ben Liang, Kate Liu, Tony Liu, Karen Liu, Alex Miao, Luxin Peng, Edward Qi, Eric Qi, Kevin Tong, Hans Wang, Steve Wang, Lisa Wei, Andrew Yang, Vincent Yang, Katherine Zhong, and Annee Zhu.


Coordinated and Reported by Vincent Yang.


Updated: April 22, 2018 — 2:53 am

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