Basking Ridge weekly iPAD club to Fellowship Village on 8/26/23(19th)

On August 26th, 2023, members of AYLUS’ Basking Ridge branch held their weekly iPad Club meeting at the Fellowship Village.  We had a presenter from girl scout today and she gave residents a presentation of how to use electric devices. AYLUS members assisted the residents through the presentation and answered their questions. After the presentation, they stayed with the residents and helped them with online books specifically Barnes and nobles e-book, and how to navigate gmail, how to use/delete/read mail on gmail, how to text other people on messages and how to charge a phone and etc.

Claire Zhang, Olivia Chen, Chole Zhou, Ethan Zhou and Angelina Gao (2.5Hr each, 8/26/23)

Updated: September 2, 2023 — 3:33 am

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