Pearland Branch Volunteered At SMILE Program on August 4th, 2023

On August 4, 2023, AYLUS volunteers actively engaged in the SMILE program, extending their helping hands to support individuals with special needs. The day was filled with meaningful activities that aimed to nurture creativity, foster connections, and bring joy to all participants.

One of the heartwarming activities involved drumming, as the volunteers and participants came together to prepare for an upcoming performance. The rhythmic beats resonated with laughter and enthusiasm, creating an uplifting atmosphere that highlighted the power of music as a unifying force.

In another inspiring endeavor, the volunteers guided the participants in exploring the world of digital art. The creative process allowed each individual to express themselves through vibrant colors and innovative designs, celebrating the uniqueness of their artistic visions.

The afternoon was a delightful mix of fun and learning, as the volunteers and participants immersed themselves in classic board games like Monopoly and Uno. These engaging games not only brought smiles and laughter but also encouraged valuable skills such as strategic thinking, social interaction, and friendly competition.

Volunteers (6 hours): Jonathan Niu, Matthew Niu, Erica Gao, Zoey Dou


Updated: August 4, 2023 — 9:19 pm

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