Pearland Branch Created Promotional Materials for Social Media April 7th, 2023

AYLUS Pearland and Wampii Studio teamed up to create an engaging volunteer event centered around photography and video editing. Held at the Sunrise Lakes clubhouse on April 7th from 10am to 12pm, the session aimed to prepare the volunteers utilize these skills during the upcoming Easter Egg Hunt and Ed White Spring Fling and Health Fest events.

The event kicked off with a brief live demonstration from the instructor, showcasing different works and teaching participants how to use aperture and focal length correctly. The volunteers then engaged in an interactive discussion on how to group themselves to cover all indoor and outdoor activities at the events, as well as brainstorming suitable images for future AYLUS Pearland promotional material on social media.

After the discussion, volunteers headed to a nearby park to take pictures of each other, receiving feedback from the instructor to improve their skills. The volunteers then returned to the workshop to select photos and edited videos that can be used as future promotional materials on social media.

Volunteers ( 2 hrs): Alvin Zheng, Alexander Sun, William Sun, Aila Jiang, Jerry Tong, Andrew Du, Ashley Zhuang, Katlyn Zhuang, Tina Dong, Wendy Yin, Wyatt Yin, Junxi Ding, Matthew Niu, Jonathan Niu, Alex Healy, Ares Zhou, Dayou Wu, Zide Liu, Erick Gao, Ethan Gao, Edwin Gao, Alex Gu, Kang Zhang, Gavin Song, Fiona Byrd, Yifan Wang, William Zhang, Ray Huang, Jordan Zheng, Abigail Zheng, Anna Zheng, Derek Zhu, Krishna Singh, Bruce Zhang.

Parent on duty: Carol L. (Aila), Jiangong N. (Jonathan/Matthew), Erica J. (Alvin/Christy); Yanlan D. (Marc), Mia L. (Zide), Ting Z. (Wendy)

Reported by Ethan Gao

Updated: May 5, 2023 — 5:39 pm

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